Tutorials > Mapping

Introduction to Data Mapping with TileMill

An open-source tool for combining maps with data layers

TileMill is a free, open-source program developed by the MapBox cartography service. It's substantially more flexible and powerful than Google Fusion Tables in terms of developing and designing maps. The tradeoff is that there's a few more steps and services involved in publishing an interactive map online.

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to setup TileMill and create a styled map of earthquakes. In fact, it will pretty much be a step-by-step ripoff of the crash course guides found on the MapBox site itself:

Setup a project

Check out the official installation docs from Mapbox. Installing TileMill should be as easy as downloading an installer and running it.

Opening TileMill takes you to the Projects screen. Click + New Project and name your project.

By default, TileMill will initialize the project with a layer of countries, i.e. the borders of the world's countries.


Watch me create a new TileMill project:

Importing data and creating a new layer


TileMill can import CSV to create a new layer of data. In order for this data to show up as points on a map, there must be latitude and longitude coordinates, i.e. having just a column of addresses won't work, you'll need to geocode them.

For this exercise, we'll be using a dataset that comes with geo-coordinates: a list of earthquakes as detected by the U.S. Geological Survey. You can build your own dataset via the USGS's archive search. Or you can use the CSV I've generated from a query that includes all earthquakes since 1950 that had a magnitude of 7.0 or greater.

Here's what that CSV looks like as a spreadsheet:


  1. Download the CSV here.
  2. Click the Layers icon at the bottom left. You'll see that a #countries layer already exists. Click + Add layer.
  3. In the Add layer dialog, select the Browse button by the Datasource field
  4. Find the earthquakes-related CSV that you've downloaded.
  5. Click the Save & Style button
  6. You'll see two changes:
    1. The world map is now full of red dots, one for each earthquake event.
    2. The style.mss sheet now contains some code for the #earthquakes7 element. We'll be dealing with this in the next section.

Watch me add the layer of earthquakes data:

Styling the map


How much you enjoy this next section will vary upon your previous experience with CSS, the styling language for webpages.

TileMill uses its own kind of style language called CartoCSS, which looks like CSS but contains features specific to TileMill-generated maps.

We can play around with these styles by editing the code found in the right-side panel, which shows the contents of the style.mss file. Let's muck about with the default styles to get a feel for what we can change.

  1. Let's change the color of the countries' boundaries to blue. In the #countries ::outline selector, change the value of the line-color property to blue. If you alter the default code, it will look like this:

       #countries {
         ::outline {
          line-color: blue;
          line-width: 2;
          line-join: round;
        polygon-fill: #fff;
  2. Hit the Save button.
  3. Try making these changes:

    1. Change the fill color of the countries by changing the value of polygon-fill
    2. Change the color of the non-country shapes (i.e. the bodies of water) to pink; this value is found in the Map element and its background-color value.
    3. Since some of the earthquake events happened on top of each other, let's make their color transparent by adding a marker-fill-opacity property and setting it to 0.1 (i.e. 10%).

      Map {
        background-color: pink;
      #countries {
        ::outline {
          line-color: blue;
          line-width: 2;
          line-join: round;
        polygon-fill: orange;
      #earthquakes7 {
        marker-fill-opacity: 0.1;

Watch me make these style changes to the map:

Check out Mapbox's online reference for all the different parameters we can use in CartoCSS.

Creating conditional styles based on data


CartoCSS becomes even more fun when we use it to make styles based on the data. For example, it'd be nice if these dots corresponded to the magnitude of the earthquakes, e.g. the mag field in our original CSV.

This example is based on the official tutorial, in the section named Conditional Styles

  1. Review the structure of the dataset by going to the Layers submenu and clicking the Features icon (it looks kind of like a spreadsheet) next to the earthquakes7 layer.
  2. Scroll to the right of our wide CSV file (if you're on a Mac and the scrollbars aren't showing, just use the arrow keys). Note the name of the field, mag, and its range: from 7 to 9.1
  3. In the styles.mss sheet, we can customize the size of the marker by using the marker-width property and using this kind of boolean notation inside of the #earthquakes7 element:

     #earthquakes7 {
       [mag >= 7]{ marker-width: 4}
       [mag >= 8]{ marker-width: 20}
       [mag >= 9]{ marker-width: 100}

Watch me type in these conditional styles to customize the size of the dots.


We'll save other TileMill features, such as adding popups and publishing an interactive map, for another tutorial. Or, you can check out the official crash course guide at Mapbox.

For now, there's no shame in just exporting the map as a PNG, or even taking a screenshot of the map, and including it as a static image file on a webpage.

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