Tutorials > Database-joins

Joining on a many-to-one relationship

When one record has many child records

In the previous tutorial, we learned the basics of the JOIN syntax and how to join one record from a table to one record from another table, e.g. a Congressmember to his/her Twitter account.

Not everything has a one-to-one relationship. For example, a Twitter account, and by extension, a Congressmember, has many tweets. We refer to this as a many-to-one relationship.

The syntax of JOIN is no different from before, so this will be more of a refresher on aggregate queries.

This tutorial assumes you've completed all of the basic SQL tutorials

Note: For this SQL lesson, I will be using MySQL and the Sequel Pro GUI. The queries and concepts should be the same as they are with SQLite. The database we will use consists of five tables:

  1. members - Current U.S. congressmembers as of October 2014
  2. terms - The terms served by the current U.S. congressmembers
  3. social_accounts - social account names for current U.S. congressmembers
  4. twitter_profiles - Twitter profile data for the accounts in social_accounts
  5. tweets - The most recent 3,200 tweets of each Twitter profile (about 800,000+ tweets altogether)

Important note about inconsistencies

The next two sub-sections deal with inconsistencies that may exist in the two database files I've provided.

If you're getting unexpected results, please read the following notes. You might also want to consult the quick tutorial on using UPDATE statements.

About case-sensitivity

Depending on your database setup, you may run into issues of case-sensitivity. This is a particular problem in this lesson's context, because Twitter screen names are case-insensitive. That is, the following URLs will go to the same page:

The upshot for us is that in the provided database files, the twitter.screen_name in social_accounts may be of a different capitalization than the ones in twitter_profiles.screen_name and tweets.screen_name and tweets. If your database config happens to be also case-insensitive, the following query will bring up results as expected:

SELECT social_accounts.twitter_screen_name, tweets.screen_name, text 
  FROM tweets
  INNER JOIN social_accounts
    ON social_accounts.twitter_screen_name = tweets.screen_name  

Notice how social_accounts.twitter_screen_name is AaronSchock and tweets.screen_name is aaronschock:

twitter_screen_name screen_name text
AaronSchock aaronschock Celebrating the Illinois College Homecoming Day Parade #GoBlueboys http://t.co/AUN8ED4F8J
AaronSchock aaronschock RT @sotexmum: @aaronschock @BruceRauner I am in #Texas. Want to move home #Illinois. Sure hope #Rauner is elected so I can pack my bags! #H…
AaronSchock aaronschock Post Gov Debate in Peoria with Illinois' next Governor @BruceRauner #BringBackIL #stoptheinsanity http://t.co/duuAypi6bs
AaronSchock aaronschock With Evan Jenkins in West Virginia, David Rouzer and Mark Walker in North Carolina - 3 great soon to… http://t.co/cmihOBI0N6
AaronSchock aaronschock With my colleague and good friend Dave Joyce in Cleveland, OH and candidate Alex Mooney who's running… http://t.co/xyizMblDe2

However, this query will not be the same for SQLite (and MySQL, if it's configured to be case-sensitive).

Sometimes using LIKE instead of = will be case-insensitive, but again, it depends on your database configuration. To be absolutely sure, you can use either the LOWER or UPPER functions to transform text strings before they are compared:

SELECT social_accounts.twitter_screen_name, tweets.screen_name, text 
  FROM tweets
  INNER JOIN social_accounts
    ON LOWER(social_accounts.twitter_screen_name) = LOWER(tweets.screen_name)  

To avoid confusion in this tutorial, I will be using the LOWER function to explicitly make an apples-to-apples comparison in the example queries.

About NULL

In this lesson, I'll be making queries that look for either an empty or NULL value:

  FROM tweets
  WHERE retweeted_screen_name IS NULL
  LIMIT 10

As we've learned from the tutorial on null values, the above query is not the same as this one:

  FROM tweets
  WHERE retweeted_screen_name = ""
  LIMIT 10

Why do we care? Because I realize that the import process for SQLite Manager and Sequel Pro have handled blank values in different ways, i.e. what's NULL in the SQLite version may be an empty string in the SQL version. As in the case-insensitivity caveat above, your queries will have to adjust for this. Nothing too hard, just check the contents of the data to see if blank fields are marked as NULL (in Sequel Pro) or highlighted in pink (in SQLite Manager), then you'll use this version of the conditional:

  WHERE retweeted_screen_name IS NULL

However, if blank fields are just blank, then you will be using this conditional:

  WHERE retweeted_screen_name = ""

If you really don't know what to use, you can always be verbose about it:

  WHERE retweeted_screen_name = "" OR retweeted_screen_name IS NULL

(Note: if you've downloaded the databases after Oct. 20, 2014, your versions may have these alterations already made for you (by me). Lucky you!)

The workarounds mentioned above work, but they may be very slow. So instead of running transformation functions like LOWER and using broad conditional statements, we can update the contents of the data.

For example, turn all empty tweets.retweeted_status_id into NULL:

UPDATE tweets
  SET retweeted_status_id = NULL
  WHERE retweeted_status_id = ''

And lowercase all of the tweets.screen_name values:

UPDATE tweets
  SET screen_name = LOWER(screen_name);

For your convenience, you can copy and run all of these SQL statements to get your data in a more uniform state:

/* normalize social_accounts */
UPDATE social_accounts
  SET twitter_screen_name = LOWER(twitter_screen_name);
UPDATE social_accounts
  SET twitter_screen_name = NULL 
  WHERE twitter_screen_name = '';
UPDATE social_accounts
  SET facebook_id = NULL 
  WHERE facebook_id = '';  
UPDATE social_accounts
  SET youtube_id = NULL 
  WHERE youtube_id = '';  

/* normalize twitter_profiles */
UPDATE twitter_profiles
  SET screen_name = LOWER(screen_name);
/* normalize tweets */
UPDATE tweets
  SET screen_name = LOWER(screen_name),
  retweeted_status_screen_name = LOWER(retweeted_status_screen_name),
  in_reply_to_screen_name = LOWER(in_reply_to_screen_name);
UPDATE tweets
  SET retweeted_status_id = NULL
  WHERE retweeted_status_id = '' OR retweeted_status_id = 0;
UPDATE tweets
  SET retweeted_status_screen_name = NULL, retweeted_status_user_id = NULL
  WHERE retweeted_status_id IS NULL;
UPDATE tweets
  SET in_reply_to_status_id = NULL
  WHERE in_reply_to_status_id = '' OR in_reply_to_status_id = 0; 
UPDATE tweets 
  SET in_reply_to_screen_name = NULL
  WHERE in_reply_to_status_id IS NULL;

/* lower case all kinds of screen_names */

All of the above data-cleaning work is routine in the real world. And also, if you're wondering why some systems use numerical identifiers, hopefully this discussion on case-sensitivity makes clear why such decisions are made.

The terms table

Let's turn our attention from Twitter data tojust the Congressional data. The terms table contains the history of appointed/elected positions for every current Congressmember.

We can join terms to members via the bioguide_id field. For every member row in which there's a matching term row, the results table will contain a row that smushes the two together:

SELECT members.bioguide_id, members.first_name, members.last_name,        
       terms.role, terms.state, terms.start, terms.end
  FROM members
  INNER JOIN terms
    ON terms.bioguide_id = members.bioguide_id
  ORDER BY members.bioguide_id    
  LIMIT 20

As you can see, Rep. Robert Aderholt has 9 rows for himself, whereas first-term senator Kelly Ayotte has just one result row:

bioguide_id first_name last_name role state start end
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 1997-01-07 1998-12-19
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 1999-01-06 2000-12-15
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 2001-01-03 2002-11-22
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 2003-01-07 2004-12-09
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 2005-01-04 2006-12-09
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 2007-01-04 2009-01-03
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 2009-01-06 2010-12-22
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 2011-01-05 2013-01-03
A000055 Robert Aderholt rep AL 2013-01-03 2015-01-03
A000360 Lamar Alexander sen TN 2003-01-07 2009-01-03
A000360 Lamar Alexander sen TN 2009-01-06 2015-01-03
A000367 Justin Amash rep MI 2011-01-05 2013-01-03
A000367 Justin Amash rep MI 2013-01-03 2015-01-03
A000368 Kelly Ayotte sen NH 2011-01-05 2017-01-03
A000369 Mark Amodei rep NV 2011-09-13 2013-01-03
A000369 Mark Amodei rep NV 2013-01-03 2015-01-03
B000013 Spencer Bachus rep AL 1993-01-05 1994-12-01
B000013 Spencer Bachus rep AL 1995-01-04 1996-10-04
B000013 Spencer Bachus rep AL 1997-01-07 1998-12-19
B000013 Spencer Bachus rep AL 1999-01-06 2000-12-15

To find all Congressmembers currently serving their first term:

SELECT first_name, last_name, terms.role, terms.state, terms.district, 
      COUNT(*) AS term_count
  FROM members
  INNER JOIN terms
    ON terms.bioguide_id = members.bioguide_id 
  GROUP BY terms.bioguide_id
  HAVING term_count = 1; 

And to find the Congressmembers with the most terms under their belts: ~~~sql SELECT first_name, last_name, terms.role, terms.state, terms.district, COUNT(*) AS term_count FROM members INNER JOIN terms ON terms.bioguide_id = members.bioguide_id GROUP BY terms.bioguide_id ORDER BY term_count DESC LIMIT 5 ~~~


first_name last_name role state district term_count
John Dingell rep MI 15 30
John Conyers rep MI 1 25
Charles Rangel rep NY 18 22
Don Young rep AK 0 21
Edward Markey rep MA 7 21


If you peruse the structure of the terms table, you'll see that there's fields for state, district, role, and party. For most Congressmembers, these values are constant because they've been in the same elected position throughout their career. In members, there are fields for current_role, state, district, and party, which reflect their elective status as of October 2014.

So finding all terms in which the party is not equal to the corresponding members.party column will identify all Congressmembers who, at one point, switched parties:

SELECT  members.first_name, members.last_name,  
        members.party AS current_party, terms.party AS former_party,   
        terms.state, terms.start
  FROM members
  INNER JOIN terms
    members.bioguide_id = terms.bioguide_id 
    members.party != terms.party


first_name last_name current_party former_party state start
Ander Crenshaw Independent Republican FL 2003-01-07
Ander Crenshaw Independent Republican FL 2005-01-04
Ander Crenshaw Independent Republican FL 2007-01-04
Ander Crenshaw Independent Republican FL 2009-01-06
Ander Crenshaw Independent Republican FL 2011-01-05
Ander Crenshaw Independent Republican FL 2013-01-03
Ralph Hall Democrat Republican TX 2003-01-07
Ralph Hall Democrat Republican TX 2005-01-04
Ralph Hall Democrat Republican TX 2007-01-04
Ralph Hall Democrat Republican TX 2009-01-06
Ralph Hall Democrat Republican TX 2011-01-05
Ralph Hall Democrat Republican TX 2013-01-03
Richard Shelby Democrat Republican AL 1993-01-05
Richard Shelby Democrat Republican AL 1999-01-06
Richard Shelby Democrat Republican AL 2005-01-04
Richard Shelby Democrat Republican AL 2011-01-05

Another way to think about this is to query for every member who has at least one term in which the terms.party is different from members.party:

SELECT  members.first_name, members.last_name,  
        members.party AS current_party, COUNT(*) as diff_term_count 
        FROM members
  INNER JOIN terms
    members.bioguide_id = terms.bioguide_id 
    members.party != terms.party
  HAVING diff_term_count >= 1


first_name last_name current_party diff_term_count
Ander Crenshaw Independent 6
Ralph Hall Democrat 6
Richard Shelby Democrat 4

Similarly, to find all current Congressmembers who are now senators but had been representatives:

SELECT  members.first_name, members.last_name,  
        members.current_role, COUNT(*) as diff_term_count 
        FROM members
  INNER JOIN terms
    members.bioguide_id = terms.bioguide_id 
    members.current_role != terms.role
    members.current_role = 'sen'
  HAVING diff_term_count >= 1

And vice versa:

SELECT  members.first_name, members.last_name,  
        members.current_role, COUNT(*) as diff_term_count 
        FROM members
  INNER JOIN terms
    members.bioguide_id = terms.bioguide_id 
    members.current_role != terms.role
    members.current_role = 'rep'
  HAVING diff_term_count >= 1

(Apparently, no one who is currently a representative was formerly a senator)

The tweets data

The Twitter API documentation has a description of the data fields for tweets. The script I use to collect the tweets (and "flatten" their data structure for easy importing) can be found in my datajanitor/diaries Github repo.

One important limitation of this database: Twitter's API only allows the retrieval of the most recent 3,200 tweets of any given user. For users who have tweeted more than 3,200 times, the tweets table will represent only a fraction of their total tweet activity.

Tweets per Twitter account

Let's ignore the Congress-specific tables and just join twitter_profiles to tweets. Both tables have a screen_name field.

To find all the stored tweets for a single Twitter account:

SELECT name, followers_count, statuses_count, tweets.text, tweets.created_at
  FROM twitter_profiles
  INNER JOIN tweets
    ON twitter_profiles.screen_name = tweets.screen_name
    twitter_profiles.screen_name = 'darrellissa'
  LIMIT 5;


name followers_count statuses_count text created_at
Darrell Issa 173608 18725 Issa, Vitter Investigate Natural Resources Defense Council Influence on EPA Carbon Rule http://t.co/kh6TrvC5aV 2014-10-14 16:34:36
Darrell Issa 173608 18725 @TriciaEdwards2 Big thanks to your dad for his service! @USNavy 2014-10-13 12:17:34
Darrell Issa 173608 18725 Since 1775, America’s Navy has answered the call. Happy Birthday to the @USNavy! http://t.co/pj0sHFoiZM 2014-10-13 12:05:15
Darrell Issa 173608 18725 Oh hey. Frieda is so excited for the weekend that she's about to jump for joy. HAPPY FRIDAY! #fridaypuppy http://t.co/ybjSQQH6hp 2014-10-10 21:56:30
Darrell Issa 173608 18725 .@GOPoversight request from November 2012 to investigate evidence of inappropriate behavior by the White House team: http://t.co/XX21JkQyyq 2014-10-09 16:36:06

Note: The order of the tables in the JOIN doesn't have an impact here. Instead of SELECT-ing FROM twitter_profiles and JOIN-ing tweets, we could switch it around and the result will be the same:

SELECT name, followers_count, statuses_count, tweets.text, tweets.created_at
  FROM tweets
  INNER JOIN twitter_profiles
    ON twitter_profiles.screen_name = tweets.screen_name
    twitter_profiles.screen_name = 'darrellissa'
  LIMIT 5;

Aggregate functions

Once the JOIN has been made, for all intents and purposes, we've created a "new" table. And on this new table, the aggregate functions work no differently than they did before.

To get the sum of retweets of one user's tweets:

SELECT name, twitter_profiles.screen_name, SUM(tweets.retweet_count)
  FROM tweets
  INNER JOIN twitter_profiles
    ON twitter_profiles.screen_name = tweets.screen_name
    twitter_profiles.screen_name = 'darrellissa'


name screen_name SUM(tweets.retweet_count)
Darrell Issa DarrellIssa 177490

Group aggregate

To find out which Congressmember has the most retweets in the tweets data, we leave out the WHERE clause:

(Warning: this query might take some time)

SELECT name, twitter_profiles.screen_name, 
    SUM(tweets.retweet_count) AS sum_retweets
  FROM tweets
  INNER JOIN twitter_profiles
    ON twitter_profiles.screen_name = tweets.screen_name
  GROUP BY twitter_profiles.screen_name
  ORDER BY sum_retweets DESC
  LIMIT 10;


name screen_name sum_retweets
Mark Takano RepMarkTakano 3498440
Ann McLane Kuster RepAnnieKuster 3385417
Senator Ted Cruz SenTedCruz 1324676
Senator Rand Paul SenRandPaul 535365
Nancy Pelosi NancyPelosi 467228
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen RosLehtinen 436623
Rep. Steve Stockman SteveWorks4You 384281
Justin Amash repjustinamash 292893
Janice Hahn Rep_JaniceHahn 277282
Senator Harry Reid SenatorReid 269700

Since more tweeting will conceivably lead to more retweets, let's find the average of retweets per tweet made. I'll throw in a ROUND function to make the results easier to read:

SELECT name, twitter_profiles.screen_name, 
    ROUND(AVG(tweets.retweet_count)) AS avg_retweets
  FROM tweets
  INNER JOIN twitter_profiles
    ON twitter_profiles.screen_name = tweets.screen_name
  GROUP BY twitter_profiles.screen_name
  ORDER BY avg_retweets DESC
  LIMIT 10;


name screen_name avg_retweets
Mark Takano RepMarkTakano 3746
Ann McLane Kuster RepAnnieKuster 3191
Gary G. Miller RepGaryMiller 672
Rep. Danny Davis RepDannyDavis 587
Senator Ted Cruz SenTedCruz 455
Elizabeth Warren SenWarren 405
Senator Rand Paul SenRandPaul 203
Nancy Pelosi NancyPelosi 177
John Barrow repjohnbarrow 147
Janice Hahn Rep_JaniceHahn 143

Filtering retweets

Hmmm…why is it that Rep. Mark Takano and Rep. Annie Kuster have an average of retweets an order of one magnitude higher than the rest of Congress?

Not all tweets are original retweets. For example, Rep. Takano retweeted this @BarackObama tweet. In the tweets table, this counts as tweet activity from Rep. Takano, and so the 12,800+ retweets for @BarackObama's tweets ends up being counted as rewteets for Rep. Takano's "tweet".

How do we know which tweets are actually retweets? We look at the retweeted_status_id field; if it has a value – i.e. the ID of the original tweet – then it is a retweet. So to get Rep. Takano's retweets, we filter for his tweets in which retweeted_status_id IS NOT NULL (or retweeted_status_id = "", depending on your version of the data):

SELECT id, text, retweeted_status_screen_name, retweet_count FROM tweets
  WHERE screen_name = 'repmarktakano'
    AND retweeted_status_id IS NOT NULL
  ORDER BY retweet_count DESC
  LIMIT 10

Note: We could also look at the retweeted_status_user_id or retweeted_status_screen_name fields.

The result:

id text retweeted_status_screen_name retweet_count
440323150195462145 RT @TheEllenShow: If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars http://t.co/C9U5NOtGap TheEllenShow 3381305
482195295502336000 RT @TimHowardGK: I I believe I believe that I believe that we will win I believe that we will win I believe that we will win #LetsD… TimHowardGK 39429
410781748717694976 RT @TIME: Pope Francis is TIME’s Person of the Year for 2013 http://t.co/AXKIlnqqjr #TIMEPOY http://t.co/xO9K2lDxxf TIME 17229
392342759614730240 RT @BarackObama: Congrats, New Jersey. #LoveIsLove http://t.co/cqIdeTbZk7 BarackObama 12821
505833279443173376 RT @MichaelSamNFL: The most worthwhile things in life rarely come easy, this is a lesson I've always known. The journey continues. MichaelSamNFL 7400
378545565866668032 RT @NancyPelosi: Hopefully, when Pres. #Putin says "we must not forget that God created us equal" he includes gays and lesbians in Russia. NancyPelosi 2970
403565034942787584 RT @SenatorReid: 168 filibusters of nominees in our history. HALF of them have occurred during Obama years! http://t.co/xbQfsftLGm SenatorReid 2641
432256605930127360 RT @cnnbrk: Attorney general to extend U.S. recognition of same-sex marriages even in 34 states that don't consider it legal. http://t.co/A… cnnbrk 2501
461211502079643648 RT @jasoncollins34: Commissioner of the @NBA just showed us how he drops the hammer on ignorance. #lifetimeban for Donald Sterling. The ult… jasoncollins34 2222
350279222218072066 RT @jonesinforjason: A friend just asked me what DOMA stood for. I said, 'nothing'. jonesinforjason 1722

Ah, now we see the reason for RepMarkTakano's high average of retweets. He's hanging off of the coattails of Academy-nominated movie stars:

ellen retweet

Let's tweak the query to show the most retweeted tweets that originated from RepMarkTakano, rather than being retweets from RepMarkTakano

SELECT id, text, retweeted_status_screen_name, retweet_count FROM tweets
  WHERE screen_name = 'repmarktakano'
    AND retweeted_status_id IS NULL
  ORDER BY retweet_count DESC

Still a respectable number of retweets-per-tweet, but not in the 3+ million range:

id text retweeted_status_screen_name retweet_count
364158957771702272 Happy Birthday, Mr. President! http://t.co/5VjIeFELCP   1817
382599378940067840 Ted Cruz, Ima let you finish but… http://t.co/zDSNK8HrAX   1258
355338868146450433 I edited a draft letter by GOP members to Boehner that is looking for cosigners. Not signing it. #Immigration http://t.co/xhLYSYi3lx   991
483663281643855872 RT if you believe the male justices would have ruled differently if #HobbyLobby case was about Viagra or Cialis.   612
483751915013279744 RT if you believe the male justices would have ruled differently if #HobbyLobby case was about Viagra or Cialis. #SCOTUS   409

Highest average retweeted original tweets

Let's now look again at the entirety of Congress to find the highest average of retweets when filtering for original retweets:

SELECT name, twitter_profiles.screen_name, 
    ROUND(AVG(tweets.retweet_count)) AS avg_retweets
  FROM tweets
  INNER JOIN twitter_profiles
    ON twitter_profiles.screen_name = tweets.screen_name
  WHERE retweeted_status_id IS NULL 
  GROUP BY twitter_profiles.screen_name
  ORDER BY avg_retweets DESC
  LIMIT 10;

The top original retweeted Twitterers:

name screen_name avg_retweets
Senator Ted Cruz sentedcruz 442
Senator Rand Paul senrandpaul 215
Nancy Pelosi nancypelosi 150
Elizabeth Warren senwarren 149
John Lewis repjohnlewis 138
Jim Bridenstine repjbridenstine 122
Bernie Sanders sensanders 84
Senator Harry Reid senatorreid 79
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen roslehtinen 76
Justin Amash repjustinamash 66

Retweets by party

In the previous examples, we've only been joining Twitter data: tweets and twitter_profiles. Let's get partisan again and list the political parties by average retweets and favorites by original tweet. We can ignore the twitter_profiles table for now since social_accounts has the twitter_screen_name field for connecting to tweets:

SELECT members.party, AVG(tweets.retweet_count), AVG(tweets.favorite_count)
  FROM members
  JOIN social_accounts
    ON members.bioguide_id = social_accounts.bioguide_id
  JOIN tweets
    ON social_accounts.twitter_screen_name = tweets.screen_name
  WHERE retweeted_status_id IS NULL
  GROUP BY members.party;

Check out the Internet-savviness of our Independents:

party AVG(tweets.retweet_count) AVG(tweets.favorite_count)
Democrat 7.7235 3.0442
Independent 55.8788 26.5008
Republican 12.2547 4.2624